Dear Joaquin,
You don't know me, I'm just a mom from a town you've never heard of in the middle part of the country. I want to tell you, I thought you were excellent in I Walked The Line and I was super impressed when I heard you actually sang in the movie. The Joker isn't my speed, I am more in the Saturday night Daniel Tiger marathon stage of life, but I am sure you nailed your role.
I didn't watch the Oscars last night. It's not really my kind of thing and it airs during what I often refer to as the chaos hours in our house. It's the time of night where my two little boys like to crank it to 11 while I try to make dinner and keep them from permanent damage of themselves and our home. Last night, like most nights, I was doing this single handed. Not because I am a single mom, but because my husband was at our farm milking our cows. If the name of my blog didn't tip you off already, I bet you know where this is going now. Can we talk about your Oscar's speech for a minute?
This morning I woke up before my boys and blissfully scrolled my social media feeds while enjoying silence and a hot cup of coffee, and there you were accepting your award and using your platform to rail against dairy.
Now I am not one of those "shut up and sing" type people. While I think Earthlings is absolutely ridiculous, I believe you as an actor have a right to voice your opinion just as much as anyone. You've built a platform that allows your voice to be heard by many and here I am with my much smaller platform using it to speak to you. I hope you will see this and consider the thoughts of one of the people you intended your words to harm.
Last night you spoke of both equality and the disconnect man has from the natural world. I too fight for equality and I agree completely that we are far too disconnected from the natural world. But when we look at the specifics of your ideas, our thoughts diverge. Last night you put animals and their rights on the same level as women, minorities, those who are LGBTQ+ and indigenous peoples. Animal rights activists have coined the term "Speciesism" and being a "Speciesist" is akin to being racist or a misogynist.
When you went on to say that we are "more disconnected from the natural world" in the same breath as saying that animals are equal to humans, you lost me. In the natural world where Mother Nature reins supreme, the lion does not see the gazelle as its equal. The lion sees the gazelle as its lunch. The natural world is where predator/prey relationships and the food chain exist. Humans have been eating animal products since the first person realized that meat is tasty and according to McDonald's, since then billions and billions of burgers have been served.
Now Joaquin, I've known you were vegan and an outspoken voice on many topics for quite a while, but this morning I took the time to read some more about you. On your Wiki page it mentioned that you are on the board of The Lunchbox Fund, "a non profit organization that provides daily meals to the students of township schools in Soweto, South Africa". Again we have something in common! I care deeply about food security and have worked on many fronts to help feed hungry kids. In fact, my favorite project was working with Second Harvest Food Bank of South Central Wisconsin to develop their "Adopt a Dairy Cow" program. The program is really neat. People can pick which cow they would like to "adopt" and then chose to donate a monetary amount that equals a day, week, month or year's worth of milk production. It's gone over incredibly well and has put milk in the fridge of those in need.
That's the thing about milk, it provides SO much nutrition in a single serving. There isn't an alternative that can truly compete with milk. And when we are talking about food insecurity we must mention that milk is far more affordable and available than the alternatives. If you're into ending hunger, I cannot understand why you would be against milk?
But I get it, your beef with milk last night wasn't it's nutrition content. You wanted to talk artificial insemination and separating cows and calves and I suppose those points do make a splashier sound bite, well played. I could waste my breath explaining the why and the how and the science behind everything we do as farmers but I highly doubt I would change your mind.
Last night Janelle Monáe opened the Oscars with an incredible rendition of "It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" and this morning I watched Daniel Tiger, the Mr Rodger's incarnation that my boys will remember from their childhood. Certainly Daniel Tiger isn't a big budget Hollywood blockbuster but today's episode was one I think you might glean something from. You see today Daniel was really excited because he had an egg salad sandwich. Lunch time came around and Miss Elaina told him that she didn't like his sandwich and that "she wouldn't eat that'. Thankfully Teacher Harriet was there to step in remind the kids that "we like different things, and that's just fine but remember to be kind".
Joaquin, you don't need to drink milk. You don't need to use or consume animal products. I respect your beliefs. But understand that there is no one more connected to the natural world than the farmers who are out here in the places you've never heard of, caring for the land and the animals. We've been sustainable and green since long before it was cool. You should get out of Hollywood for a while, the natural world isn't there, it's out here and it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
Carrie Mess
Mom and Dairy Farmer
Judy Stewart
Well said, CARRIE.
Jenifer Franz
Wow! Nicely written and I couldn't agree more on all accounts. Farmers are the most connected to their food; a carnivore eating meat is as natural as it gets. As someone who was a vegetarian before I started raising my own beef, eggs and milk, I totally support the decision to abstain from animal products. Just don't tell me that I shouldn't eat/raise meat in a humane, natural manner.
catherine outlaw
I would like to know why the babies are taken from the mothers and what happens to them. Do the calf’s ever get to be raised next to the mother.
Here is a link explaining what happens when a calf is born and why.
Beef calves are raised on their mothers. Dairy cows are bred for milk so have too much for their babies. Farmers feed the calves cows milk (or a milk replacer), and humans (and the farm cats) get the rest. Dairy cows are like career women… if you know what I mean. Beef cows are like the stay-at-home moms…
Dianne Holba
Nice analogy Laura. Well said.
Here is a great analogy……. Taking a calf away from it’s mother: apparently that’s another hot button issue for our celebrities. Well, I have a few thoughts on this. Have you ever considered the difference between beef cows and dairy cows? I will offer you this analogy. Beef cows, that stay with their calves: are stay-at home-mothers, built to care for their calves out in the pastures. Dairy cows, that send their calves to the nursery aka “day care”: are working mothers who start working the day of delivery. These dairy calves have lots of socialization with their fellow calves, daily care, measured and monitored nutrition and health care. I don’t know about you, but I would never get in the middle of a fight between which mother was best….the working mom or the stay at home mom, each has their own value. I’m just glad dairy farmers do such an amazing job taking care of their dairy calf babies.
Kirsten Areias
Spot on Carrie!!! Thanks for putting the thoughts in my head onto a thought provoking letter.
Rita Popenhagen
Well said. Thank you.
Marsha Henn
Thank you Carrie, your thoughts and beliefs are spot on, my husband is a dairy farmer.People have no idea how much farmers love and care for their animals and their health and well being. Let’s spread your message!
Melanie Rowley
Excellent. I am tired of being told what to eat by people that have not bucked a hay bale in their life, struggled through the mud to get cows up, or slopped hogs. The disconnect is on these types.
I eat meat. I use leather products. I drink milk, whole milk and it is a rare week when I don’t drink 2 gallons all by myself. My leather shoes can be resoled numerous times, can’t even get out of the store with the cheap vegetable/plastic shoes without them tearing up.
This is all foolishness from them, who are paid to entertain us only. I don’t care what they think or have to say past their role on the screen or on my TV. And this one has been a fruitloop for more than a decade too. If not whole life.
So true! It’s surprising that he can be such a good actor. He seems half a bubble off but certainly in titled to his opinion, write a book. I don’t think when your being honored for your performance is the time, you weren’t nominated for your views or opinions, you were being honored for your performance. My two cents.
Sandy Pope
Thank you for your words. I came in from an Ag Boosters meeting just in time to see him, I was so mad to think he has know idea how a dairy farm works. My kids could tell you how well our dairy cows were taken care, the cows were fed before we got our morning breakfast.
Hit the nail on the head there! I’ a city gal who is lucky enough to have helped a friend out by ranch sitting for her a few times. I have never worked harder, sweated more or beans sore as whenI finished evening feeding the first few times…but the sound of happy cows talking to their calves, or the sight of lambs romping around the pasture playing tag makes me feel pretty darned good. And a good steak is at the top of my list of favorite foods. We buy our milk n glass bottle that go back to the store to be re-used. Joachin would probably faint the 1st time he stepped in a cow patty mixed with mud.
Hi Carrie ~ I'm with you all the way. I agree with you that everyone has a right to their own agenda but to make me feel guilty because I like half & half in my coffee or I eat cheese and eggs? That's not really the way to fight this battle of better stewardship of Mother Earth IMO. Oh dear I could go on with so much history of how I grew up on my grandparents small dairy farm, and now that I am all grown up I am a dog trainer and my passion is competitive dog agility ~ and guess what we have to watch out for? Yep PETA ~ because I guess because the dogs that we have - which are like family members - not even pets - but family because we train them and compete with them - well - I guess that's evil in some peoples eyes. The whole thing is just getting so darn skewed.
Angie Albright
Great response!
Karen t
I had to stop reading because of the multiple grammar and spelling errors. How can you have a blog and no basic sense of spelling/grammar? Hope your kids are not homeschooled. role*, not roll, and learn the proper usage of “its” vs “it’s”
Also he was talking about “farms” like Fairlife. Surely you can’t be defending those.
Thanks for so kindly pointing out that my edits hadn't actually gone through and my final wasn't what had published. I've been having problems with my site not accepting my updates.
Fairlife isn't a farm. It's a brand that is supplied by many different farms Karen.
Karen T – You mean Fair Oaks Farm. Fairlife is a BRAND that was owned by a cooperative and is now fully owned by CocaCola. What you need to know is that the whole thing was set up by a wanna-be commando style animal extremist group called ARM. They filmed “abuse” for several years before releasing the videos – who does that? If a person truly cared about animals, they wouldnt stand back and video abuse. They would stop it. Also, the behavior was reported to management prior to the knowledge of the videos and once the behavior was reported, the employees were terminated.
Andrew Barber
Not wanting to be critical of your grammar, but shouldn’t there be a question mark at the end of your comment?
Typical Karen response. No valid point to make so you make ad hominem attacks. Take your hair and go complain elsewhere.
Pat King
Karen t a smart person knows how to read and understand the intent of what’s written. An arrogant person complains when have nothing of importance to add.
Excellent response, especially with two young boys.
Really?? I can’t imagine what your children (hopefully you don’t have any) went through growing up. This lady pours out her heart, and you “had to quit reading” because of the grammar??? Our one job on Earth is to be respectful, encouraging, and kind. You failed all three. And you forgot the question mark at the end of your last sentence.
Karen t, if you don’t like the spelling errors.
Don’t read the blog. It doesn’t bother me at all, I didn’t even notice it, i just enjoyed her point of view. To call her out was mean being a bully
Of course your name would be Karen
Karen Sheehan
Thank you for a very profound letter.
Robyn Lucas
Absolutely amazing and eloquent piece of writing. It was respectful and dignified. Well done Carrie. The sad truth is, that your suggestions will be ignored and he and others like him will continue their naive, biased and disrespectful soapbox rants and further damage for the most part, a truly remarkableans responsible industry. Thank you for speaking out. ❤️
That’s the truth!
Keith Boyd
Wonderful comments Carrie!! Modern agriculture is feeding the world and we are proud of it!!
Well said, Carrie!
Alicia S
Bravo!! My Poppop was a Dairy farmer, and I come from a line of farmers and watermen. People have no clue the labor of love farming is.
Please do not call someone out and write offensive degrading comments about others on their spelling and grammar. You do not understand how to spell and use proper grammar either. Maybe you can try to work on loving yourself. Then you won’t have to bring others down to feel better about yourself.
Say what?
I believe this was meant to be a reply to the comment “Karen t” made above. You know, the lady who criticized your spelling and grammar but didn’t capitalize the T in what I assume is the first letter of her last name .
Tinyteacher is referring to the other commentators about your spelling errors and such.
love your comments, Karen. It’s easy to talk when someone isn’t involved and lives a daily life without dealing with normal people have to deal with. It’s like people that complain about hunters and how dare they kill animals for pleasure but ignore the fact that thanks to the licenses they purchase, a great portion of Wildlife & Fisheries Funds arise from those. If they do want to do something, then contribute more, instead of just complaining.
Raymond L. Adams
I know absolutely nothing about your profession— But I really, really, enjoyed reading a number of your articles this more. Thank you for sharing.
As to the individual who critique your heirs (or is it errors, or airs—all homonyms), I like something I read many years ago: when someone corrects some “errors“ in a written presentation, the person said I always like to put something in my articles for everyone – for you, it was the grammatical errors” , so you could find something of interest to yourself in the article.
I like this, also, that I read many years ago: The old farmer said, “ I would rather have a man say he’d seen when he saw, then to say he saw when he hadn’t seen anything”.
I placed the above closing quotation marks incorrectly, so one of your previous readers could find something incorrect in my grammar, too.
Once again, thank you for sharing these wonderful articles…
Barry Tallman
Well said. I live in Canada and was raised on a dairy farm. I now earn my living selling farm machinery to the most hard working and hone table people I could ever meet. Thank you for your very respectful and well written piece. Barry Tallman from Kamloops BC
Frank Conyngham
Carrie, an old friend here. So well said. Proud of your dedication to our world.
Thank you Frank! Hope you're well.
Great article and response to the public.
Joaquin Phoenix is a member of the Animal Liberation Front. This is easy to verify – just Google his name + ALF and youll find all sorts of images of him on their website and out in the public wearing a “Support Animal Liberation Front” sweatshirt.
The ALF is one of the most radical and dangerous of all of the animal extremist groups. The ALF is on the FBI domestic terror list. They are liberationists. Their ideology is to end all human animal interaction – that animals owned by humans are akin to slaves. They do not care about how animals are treated because they believe that any use of animals by humans is abuse.
Whats most important is informing the people he is trying to influence because we wont change his mind or be able to stop him from using any public opportunity to spread his ideology and misinform people.
This article needs to go far and wide, please share it with your friends and comment on the article itself to help with SEO.
Do they even believe we shouldn’t have pets?
J L Stein
Would not this be an interesting switch.
Let’s let the movie star trade places with the cows or maybe with the bulls!
Lyn M
Beautifully said Carrie! Nothing mean or wrong in her words at all. It’s a free country (Freedom of Speech) and she has a right to her opinion and to express it to those that do not understand our lifestyle and the fact that we do feed America, whether all of America eats our products or not.
thank you for supporting the dairy industry.
Cal Brandt
Thank you Carrie,I could not have said it better.
Jerry C Tuck
Very well said, from the world of a real person. I reference real person in comparison to the Hollywood background the actor who gave the anti farm speech came from. I consider the Hollywood sect to be the most unconnected , misinformed populist in our nation.
Robin L Zdroik
I couldn’t have said it better myself. Thank you for all you and your family do.
Did you chastise both sides for making assumptions about the other or just the reply?
Did we both read the same article? I guess the tone in which one reads and article is also important.
Elizabeth Olsem
Dana Mills
Thank you for being another outstanding, brave voice for agriculture! And thank you for staying kind and respectful in your delivery. Others could learn so much from you if they were willing to listen rather than criticize. This needs to be shared a million times over so we can help educate those that have no understanding of ag!
Carrie, well done. It was a measured and reasonable response. In my off farm life I work for extension and am constantly interpreting agricultural practices to the general public. Most are not militant but rather un informed. Keep up the good work. And hug those little boys. It may seem like chaos at times but remember while the days may be long, the years are short.
Karen Pomroy Yott
Bravo! Bravo! A very eloquent, kind and educated way to make your point!
Dan Beaupre
I really think he was speaking more metaphorically than literal. Our whole way of doing things is out of whack. Not really any individual or or industry, just the systemic coldness and accepted ‘factory’ way. It has to be I know and I get it.
Amy Keach
So very well articulated! We have our own herd of Dairy Goats, milking 2x a day, 365 days a year in Kentucky.
I was raised in LA (Los Angeles not Lower Alabama) and never really fit in with the big city life and hustle bustle. You could not pay me a million dollars to give up our farming life, though hard, it is the absolute best job in the world.
Amy Keach
So very well articulated! We have our own herd of Dairy Goats, milking 2x a day, 365 days a year in Kentucky.
I was raised in LA (Los Angeles not Lower Alabama) and never really fit in with the big city life and hustle bustle. You could not pay me a million dollars to give up our farming life, though hard, it is the absolute best job in the world.
David Kondora
Right on Dairy Carrie – we need less Joaquins and more Cows in the World – I salute your post with a glass of Milk.
Dk in CO
Thanks Carrie. So glad you can bring a local perspective to a Hollywood awards show.
I can certainly connect with everythig you say. Dad milking, mom trying to get dinner and the kids all wound up. The real disconnect is the the generations removed from agriculture. They have no idea what agriculture does because they have no family connection to it. Milk comes from the grocery store along with all of our food. Living in an urban culture has separated society from farming. We had friends visit one time and when I went to get some vegetables out of the garden she asked to pull a carrot because she never had done that. I’m glad she asked.
Keep up the good work. It is all worth it.
Erick Montero
Excelente comentario! Necesitamos más reacciones positivas como la tuya para informar adecuadamente de las bondades e importancia de nuestro trabajo! Un fuerte abrazo de un productor de leche de Costa Rica, Centroamérica!
Dear Carrie,
Maybe you can understand, that as farming and raising cows that produce milk is a way of life for you, and one that you have always had, one that you hope your boys continue to sustain, please understand that the film industry was the same for the “Phoenix” family. There were five children, who had no choice but to act. They never went to school, and knew no other way of life. I can promise you, that California in the 70’s and 80’s did not have supportive communities set up to make sure that all kids had lunch or went to school. It was vey much a community where one had to hold their own. River, Joaquin’s older brother, and only brother, his role model and certainly (and here I think that you can relate as you have two boys of your own) his idol began acting at 8 and was in Stand By Me, an iconic movie, at 10. We gen x ers all watched River grow up. He was the most talented actor there ever was in his age group. I will never forget the way the My Own Private Idaho changed my life, because it romanticized that rural space, spaces like your own, and the people that are in it. River was so talented. He became that rural landscape in the movie, he was that sweet boy coming of age. The movie had a slight cowboy feel too. It was film at it’s best. At that sweet age, River was always a proactive supporter of animals, and animal rights. River had always avoided the spotlight and the lifestyle until people he worked with exposed him to drugs, and he tragically died at the young age of 23. My heart was broken and I will never forget how I felt when he died.
Joaquin …..can you imagine being a 17 year old boy and your brother and role model and idol has died?
What we see in Joaquin and his life in film is him following in his brother’s footsteps, without a guide, in the best way that he can. Grief, years later, manifests itself in many ways and I think all he is doing is trying to be just like his older brother. His talent is definitely there, just like River’s was, and he is only attempting every day, to do what his idol, River, might have done and might have said.
Do not take it personally. People will not stop drinking milk. Joaquin is an artist and he knows only the life that he has grown up in, in California’s film industry. His heart is in the right place, he is not trying to attack you, he is being his authentic self.
Thank you.
Ok, Joaquinn, you want to talk about injustice? I am upset about the injustice that happens from someone who thinks they know everything about farming when they haven’t spent a day in the life ON a farm! I’ve never spent a day in my life in Hollywood, much less a Hollywood set and wouldn’t dare tells others what it’s like to make a movie, read a script, or audition or whatever it is you folks do in Hollywood. What gives someone the right to tell others about a job they know nothing about??? #joaquinphoenix #justiceforfarmers #myjobdependsonag #askafarmer
Well spoken! I’m a farm girl myself and even though I don’t eat a ton of meat – I do believe in hunting and farming responsibly, and meat and dairy has made my boys grow strong.
Carrie, thank you for writing. Great piece. I too am now in the Daniel Tiger stage of life (how good is it!). And as a now urbanite with dairy in the DNA I wish you all the best, and for a world a little common sense. Brendan.
Marian Frigo
Well said, Carrie – and kindly so. Thank you for respecting all.
Carrie, enjoyed your piece. You write–“In the natural world where Mother Nature reins supreme, the lion does not see the gazelle as its equal. The lion sees the gazelle as its lunch. The natural world is where predator/prey relationships and the food chain exist. Humans have been eating animal products since the first person realized that meat is tasty.” Hopefully we do it because we crave protein and iron and not just for pleasure (I do love a good steak, of course….)
I think Phoenix’s point is that their lives are still of equal ‘value’–despite their patterns of behavior and their instincts. In the eyes of nature too. I’d submit this–seeing it how the lion sees it is not anything to aspire to. There will never be an end to the predator / prey relationship in nature but humans are a) blessed with reason, morals, ethics and the superego and b) can both use animals for food and leather and treat them humanely–which is probably not of paramount concern to the stalking lioness.
Phoenix spoke against feeling entitled to something else’s life. I eat meat and eggs and drink milk in my coffee, but I do agree with him on that front—it’s more likely we do it as carnivores/predators, not because of some divine carte blanche. I’ve no doubt you love your animals — true evidence of our superiority is found there, how we treat the animals that we depend on for food and nutrients. We have enormous power over them but also need them, hence, it’s more of a two-way street than some might suggest.
Best, Chris
Karen L Wilson
Wait until we start hearing about people getting cancer from the estrogen in fake meats, these idiots will shut up.
Sheri Berry Cogburn
I love milk. We drink 6 gallons a week if not more. We live in California were milk is almost 5 dollars a gallon. But we still buy it! My dad Joe Berry who does analyzing All over the United States. He has cows milking at 92 pounds. So I know all about the dairy business and how hard you work.
Hmmm, I’m not sure if this stay-at-home/working mum argument is that valid in arguing Joaquin Phoenix’s point. The cow does not have a choice either way. What if the dairy cow’s instincts are to be a stay-at-home mum? And the dairy cow does not understand the concept of day care, she’s a cow, and therefore will be stressed when her baby is taken. This whole blog loses to Joaquin Phoenix. It is very nicely written but I am disappointed that the writer doesn’t value animal rights equally with LGBTQ or womens’ rights. I think all rights should be appreciated and equal whether you are a woman, a gay man, transgender or an animal. It doesn’t sit right with me saying that women having equal pay is more important than animal exploitation. I am not a vegan but Joaquin Phoenix and vegans are trying to make the world a better place for animals, their health and the planet, I do not understand why people argue against these innately good things. We have so many other options now in the way we produce food and eat, lets all make good moral food choices for the planet, for animal welfare and for our own health.
Well, I know it’s your blog, but that’s not cool to only publish responses that you agree with, when you write an opinion piece. I took the time to write a thoughtful reply.
Nikki, your original comment had been caught in my spam filter. With the volume of hateful comments I've recieved this week I wasn't digging through the spam to see if there were more comments there.
Carrier, i think you did a wonderful job writing this letter!
It is sad that you are receiving “hate mail” for saying what you think and feel.
There is a lot of ignorance in our country about food and its production. Keep speaking up!
And thank you for dairying!
Roy Stephenson
It sure has become obvious to the many of us who strive for goodness and common sense, that the disconnect from reality in Hollywood has brought forth a new lack of support to an industry we once respected for their entertainment value. The hypocrisy from these people is killing their sense of entitlement right before their eyes and the show must not go on anymore! The rise and fall of Hollywood is the reality. The farmers of our lands have proven to be the most caring and responsible people in the world. Get to to one and you will see something very different than what Hollywood, the media, the government portrays.
Mary Beth
I enjoyed your article.
Just a thought: with all the discussions on animal welfare, people have to look back and see why we do what we do, and realize that where we are now is likely not where the industry will be in the future. I know that you know this.
Artificial insemination for cows: preventing sexually transmitted diseases, not having a potentially dangerous animal in the barn (more dangerous than cows), improving the genetics of the animals for health and productivity. Bulls can weight 1500 to 3000 pounds and be dangerous. They are designed to protect their cows and defend against other bulls and others. Maybe if people realized that those videos of bison going after people were akin to what dairy bulls can do, they would understand better. Except in dairy, we work in close proximity. Having dairy bulls out of the barn is safer for people and cows.
Our future: Where we are now is not where we will be. As long as people have worked in agriculture (thousands of years), we’ve made improvements. It’s a gradual process. It’s a matter of seeing what needs improving, and what is possible to make it happen in a workable way. Like, vaccinating calves to keep them healthy. Making sure they get colostrum of the right quality to keep them healthy and thriving. Improving stall comfort for cows as we learned what worked and how to manage it. The interest of caring farmers and other professionals as well as bringing science to the table helped. We have improvements ahead of us that we can’t even imagine, yet.
Hope my punctuation and grammar were mostly ok…
Mary Beth
Angie Lizst
There is nothing natural about sexually violating an animal. There is absolutely nothing and there is ZERO need for humans to consume the BREAST MILK of a non human!!! You’re moderating here so that all comments support your agenda to exploit mothers and babies for profit. Not JUST cow moms and calves, but dairy causes breast cancer to human women and prostate cancer to human men. Not to mention heart disease, diabetes, and other cancer. You are literally stealing your children’s and (vegan children’s too)future from right out from them. We won’t stand for it. Our power is greater and we will sink dairy and all animal agriculture because it is not sustainable or ethical. What patriarchal element are you sucking up to??? WEAN YOURSELF. You have obstinate omnivorism on your side, we have truth on ours. LET DAIRY DIE.