Are humans the only animals that drinks the milk from another species?
Anti milk groups would like you to believe that's the case but I have someone that disagrees...
Guess not... or Peach Fuzz is a tiny human in a great costume.
Love it! Thank you for this. I grew up on a dairy and until I had my son I had no idea how much misinformation there is out there about milk. I was never able to exclusively breastfeed so I had to supplement with formula (which by the way people is made out of....... You guessed it! Cow's milk. Anyway, I looked to find information about when he could start drinking the real stuff, In this country we are told babies can't digest milk until they are a year old but in Great Britain the recommendation is they may have it beginning at six months so long as it isn't their sole source of nutrition. I digress. There is a whole host of wrong information about pus in milk, how drinking milk is just wrong and how we were never intended to drink it. I applaud you for putting the truth out there.
Diego Brizi
May I point to the fact that a "human" is squirting milk into the mouth of a cat, and it's not the cat to be sucking on the cow's udder himself ๐ ? Would he in nature? Sillies ๐
Diego Brizi
Or has nobody noticed that this is exactly confirming what you refute, and that a HUMAN is FEEDING an animal with another species' milk, so we can only speak of a HUMAN habit influencing the behaviour of an animal? Ha, just how blind can one be?
There are many, MANY cases of one species suckling another: A cat nursing a baby squirrel, a fawn nursing from a dog, etc. Yes, other animals DO drink milk from other species.
Of course, SLA, and that happens in nature only between a mother and a baby mammal, and in case of extreme need (such as when the babies are at risk of death because of the death of their biological mother). Still you can't see the difference between grown up humans drinking the baby food of another species and that ๐ Hilarious.
Maybe I should point out that the cat learned to stand under the cow leaking milk and drink all on it's own..
Because the poor kitty was taught to do that by humans if so but I hightly doubt it. None of the cats or kittens on our dairy farm ever drank from the cows lol.
Eddie Borst
Great Blog as usual Carrie! There are also many more stories about surrogate animals standing in to feed babies from other species, dog feeding kittens etc. Have a great day!
Good point about the surrogates in the animal kingdom. I grew up on a small little farm. We had milk goats for years. There were times when we had more milk than we could deal with. Occasionally my dad told me to pour the milk into the chickens' water dispenser. It was amazing to watch those chickens go for the milk. They were crazy for it. The only reason we don't see more animals drinking milk from any particular other animal is because of their lack of opposable thumbs. Oh! There were also times when we would try to build up a mother goat after she gave birth. If you milk a goat and put the bucket in front of her she will drink it like she is starved. Grown horses and cows will drink milk. So it is ridiculous to assert that no other adult animal will drink milk. They would if they could!
Gloria Moss
The fact that people think milk is not for humans is just plain weird.... lol. I've never even heard of that! Crazy anti milk people! I drink it every single day! And I have to keep my cats out of it too!
Love this!
Becky Hurley
you rock! I need to hang out with you! I'm just catching up on all of your AWESOME blogs. Seriously laughing so hard right now. Love it!
Generally, cow's milk is NOT good for cats:
The human is feeding the cat milk. If cats drink too much cows milk, they get sick. The comments are saying "fawns feed from a dog", "cat feeds a baby squirrel". Yes, because babies need milk. If there's no adult squirrel to feed the baby, it can get milk from another animal. However, adult squirrels don't need to drink a cat's milk. SO many logical fallacies on this site
Thought provoking post. You know what else? Humans are the only ones smart enough to extract the delicious, nutritious milk available from a cow!
I agree. If we're able to eat their meat, why would drinking their milk be any different?
People of all ages have drunk cow's milk for centuries without any problems, even un-pasturized milk. Anyone who thinks it's disgusting or not normal has a phobia they should get over. Cow's milk is not bad for you just like germs, as a general rule, are not bad for you.
Okay but! We are purposely impreganating millions of cows just so we can have this milk when it's not technically needed! And having them hooked up to machines all day in little ass cages. Wake up. Most anti milk campaigns are not talking about a dairy cow or two at a family farm. Were talking about mass productions and "artificial insemination".
Hey Janie, I appreciate your passion but I think you've been lead astray about how dairy farms work. No cow is ever hooked up to machines all day. Cows are milked only 2 or 3 times a day and each milking takes 5-10 minutes. So at most a cow spends 30 minutes a day being milked. The rest of the day she spends eating, napping and hanging out with her herd. No cages involved.
As far as farm size, the average dairy farm size is about 180 cows, that size is very much still a family farm. And 86% of all dairy farms have less than 200 cows. Our farm milks about 100 cows which is the average size of a dairy farm in Wisconsin.
As far as artificial insemination (AI), the only difference between using AI and having a bull breed cows is that AI is safer for humans and cows and gives us more genetic selection. Just as nature designed, a cow has a calf once a year on a farm, AI does not change that. And AI is only used when a cow is in heat, which is when a bull would breed her.