"Waste not, want not" meets a gallon of milk in this roundup of recipes that use milk!
We've all been there at some point in time, the milk in the fridge is getting a little close or is already past its expiration date and you want to find a recipe that uses milk before it turns to the dark side. This happens a lot less now that there are two milk loving little dudes in our house, but every once in awhile I still find the need to use up milk in the fridge. Or maybe you're an awesome person who bought an extra gallon or two to support dairy farm families like ours and you want to use it up. If that's you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

A dairy delicious recipe roundup!
To help save you some time I put out a call to fellow food bloggers asking them to share their best recipes that use real dairy as a main ingredient. Some of these milk recipes may surprise you, who knew you could use milk in a red sauce or fish tacos? Some of these recipes may take you to a new corner of the world, with flavors from Turkey, India, Mexico, and beyond. One recipe made me text my best friend from Arkansas to ask if chocolate gravy really was considered a breakfast food.
I can't imagine that there isn't at least a handful of delicious dairy recipes that you'll want to try on this list. And every one of these recipes, from the sweet to the savory, includes the nutritional powerhouse of real milk.
More Information About Milk
Want to know more about milk? See how real milk stacks up against the alternatives HERE. Find out the truth about what's in milk HERE. Want to know about Fairlife milk? Read THIS post. Ever wondered how milk is bottled? Check out THIS post to see! THIS post shows how milk goes from the farm to the cheese plant.
Breakfast recipes
French Toast Casserole Orange Coconut Pancakes Mexican Oatmeal
Main Meal Recipes
Beef Bolognese Sloppy Joes Spaghetti Squash Alfredo Seafood Pizza Fish Tacos
Soups and Sides
French Chestnut Soup Cheesy Roasted Cauliflower, Corn and Bacon Soup Thick Chicken and Vegetable with Gnocchi Soup
cakes and sweet treat recipes
Caramel Tres Leche Cake Death by Chocolate Poke Cake Portuguese Milk Tarts
Milkshake and Ice Cream recipes
Decaf Coffee Ice Cream Strattiatella Ice Milk Banana Split Milkshake
Yogurt, Cheese and Pudding recipes
Russian Milk Kisel Sous Vide Yogurt Crock Pot Greek Yogurt Shalab Milk Pudding
Coffee, Tea and Cocktails
Honey Saffron Milk Lavender Infused Milk and Honey Cocktail Indian Masala Chai
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