Cows and Calves
Cows Get Report Cards?
Dehorning dairy calves- The how and why of horns.
What do you do when a cow breaks her leg?
A new baby, now what?
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand worthless words.
Picking out a boyfriend for Norma. AKA choosing a bull to breed my cow to.
Random cow facts.
Norma gets Artificially Inseminated.
Dumping Milk.
Shocking undercover dairy video hits home.
Why are dairy cows skinny?
Sometimes we are mean to our cows.
What do cows eat?
A Mother's Day Tribute to MilkTruck.
6 reasons why this facebook post is lying to you. Thanks Earthlings Movie!
Are bull calves used for veal?
5 Facts About Twin Dairy Calves.
Cows With Bling.
The Seven Common Breeds of Dairy Cattle
What is a calf hutch?
It takes a village to milk a cow.
What happens to a dairy cow's calf after it is born?
How veal is raised. Myth vs. Fact.